Saturday, 31 October 2009

Thursday, 29 October 2009

I come from the old town baby where all the kids are crazy

For my birthday I would like to turn into Ava Gardner, please.

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Get back on track pick me up some bottles of booze

In the same line as the seminal Overheard in New York, not as rude as Texts From Last Night and closer in spirit to AdVerbatim, Clients From Hell delivers its own share of funny.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

This bitter earth what fruit it bears

- Is it you? ...Is it actually you?! ...Like, for real for real you?
- It's me.

Stop the press y'all, James Barnfield has entered the world of blogging. And it's glorious. And my mom's on it. And Owen looks fierce as fuck.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Lend me your hand and we'll conquer them all

I dragged Dave and Shun to see Mumford & Sons in Kentish Town last weekend - all the plaid-clad hipster kids were there.

Their sound is insane. I haven't felt this strongly about an album since Kings of Leon's Only by the Night. It stirs all the atoms in my body, from brains to entrails, and I get that electric feeling that my skin is too small a container for all the elation inside. Marcus Mumford has a voice that could move planets. Nothing major.

They were the first of three bands to play that night and there is no polite way of describing the way the following acts were received, in contrast to the sheer frenzy Mumford & Co caused.

If you need a mental image, picture herding thousands of high school girls in a room, waiting til it got real quiet, then screaming "Twilight".

See what I mean?

Peep these incredibly high-res pictures from my iPhone and feel the energy.

Friday, 23 October 2009

Feeding my flame

Pocahontas paints with all the colours of the wind, James Turrell paints with light.

I love what he does, like Richard Serra or Olafur Eliasson, his works make you feel involved and really play with perception.

I remember trying to figure that out in high school, "painting with light". Turrell himself articulates it better, of course, for Wallpaper: "Usually we just use light to illuminate things, but I like the “thingness” of light. This idea of the luminous filling emptiness, like there is something there to touch is also something I like to work with".

Relevant bonus - he studied synesthesia.

From tomorrow until May, there is an exhibition of Turrell's work at the Kunstmuseum in Wolfsburg (lovely website - their online shop is a bit inspired).

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Put your eyes on me

From Barnfield's Box of Amazing Websites: this is just the tip of the iceberg - check out the rest of Bjarne Bare's work.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

We're gonna hunt to kill gonna skin the hide

As I was wandering through Frieze after working for Dan, I walked past the Lisa Cooley booth and thought "Do I recognise that or am I just hallucinating from sleep-deprivation?"

Nope, not hallucinating. There it was, a huge print of Erin Shirreff's Knife series. I'd seen it on Ffffound and failed to rename the file before I forgot what it was, so I avidly grabbed the gallery print-out and walked away in a gleeful daze.

Try Googling "06.jpg", see how much fun that is.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Fickle freshman probably thinks he's cooler than you

Guys, if you don't know who to channel this winter, look alive.

I'm embarrassingly enthusiastic about the sartorial posts from Nerd Boyfriend (someone do one for chicks quick, before I do become a boy), but if I were them, I would only ever post about James Dean.

The picture of Jimmy playing table tennis is from, surprisingly, Celebrities Playing Table Tennis.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Don't touch nothin' just sit in the car

Empty armchairs from a visit to the Hirshhorn. I love that place, great spaces considering the building is about as straight as the Guggenheim.

Need to retouch the rest of the series.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten

Ezra Koenig & his glorious shorts (here at Lollapalooza) give us a good reason to look forward to January with Vampire Weekend's new album, Contra.

All kinds of wonderful, the first single, Horchata, is free to download from their website.

As with their first album, get ready to learn some new words.